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Creation of a Research Chair: “Internationalization of small and medium sized companies” at iaelyon.
Evènement | June 6, 2017
In the framework of a “Bourgeon project” funded by the University Jean Moulin Noémie DOMINGUEZ and Ulrike MAYRHOFER created a Research Chair on the Internationalization of small and medium sized companies in partnership with two industrial SMEs of the Auvergne- Rhône- Alpes region.
- Internationalization strategies of SMEs: choice of markets, ways of entering them, rhythm for internationalization
- Creation and development of networks abroad
- Management of international operations
- Factors of success and failure for international growth
The works focus on the international growth of SMEs in mature and emerging markets.
Partnerships in France and abroad.
The socio-economic partners of the Chair are two industrial SMEs of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region: Mixel Agitateurs and SLAT.
Collaborations have been carried out with several Research teams abroad especially in Germany (ESCP Europe – Berlin Campus), in Brazil (Universidade de São Paulo - USP), in Canada (Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM), in China (Tongji University, Shanghai), in Spain (Universidad de Valencia), in Italy (Università di Pavia) and in the UK (Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham).
In the framework of the Chair, Noémie DOMINGUEZ and Ulrike MAYRHOFER went to China for a Research trip to Tongji University in Shanghai and carried out about fifteen interviews with SME’s managers and experts in international growth. The Research conducted in the framework of the Chair also allows them to moderate (by invitation) conferences on the internationalization strategies of SME’s at the Think Tank « La Fabrique de l'Exportation » in Paris, in Università di Pavia and in the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University, London.
Contacts :
Noémie DOMINGUEZ, Associate Professor
Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Full Professor