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Entrepreneurs: the freedom of being alone? 11th conference of the “Philosophy and Management” Cycle
Dialogue between a philosopher and a manager. With François-Xavier Bellamy, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Christian Barqui, business leader, president of the APM (Organization for Management Progress).
How far would the freedom of the entrepreneur go? Is it an asset or a burden? Is loneliness the price to pay to be a business leader? Can we reconcile freedom and collectivity? On the contrary can we consider that an employee isn’t free? Does entrepreneurship mean the freedom of being alone?
To answer these questions, Acteurs de l'économie-La Tribune organizes in partnership with iaelyon the 11th Conference of the “Philosophy and Management” cycle on Friday January 26, 2018 at 12.15pm.
A debate is organized between :
- François-Xavier Bellamy, Assistant Professor in Philosophy
- Christian Barqui, business leader, president of the APM (Organization for Management Progress).
The cycle of dialogues “Philosophy and Management”
Responsibility, innovation, ethics, prospective, work… can philosophy shed light on current managerial questions? So far philosophers and managers did not talk to each other very much. Nowadays, it seems interesting to allow them to meet and cross their points of view on what might become a challenge in the future: combining philosophy and competitiveness, humanism and effectiveness? Growth and wisdom…
What bridges can be found between the principles of philosophy and managerial methods? What solutions can be implemented to ensure that the act of “managing” linked to different complex human questions is performed in the light of the multiple principles of philosophy?
Helping philosophers confront their concepts with the practical experience of managers; helping managers be aware of some prejudices that condition their actions; this is the goal of the cycle of dialogues which confronts the speech of management and the speech of philosophy, and brings managers and philosophers to the same level.
This cycle falls within the socially sensitive and responsible Management carried out by iaelyon.
Université Jean Moulin
Manufacture des Tabacs
Auditorium Malraux
16 rue du Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8e
(Subway : Sans Souci / Tramway: T4 Manufacture)
Catherine PARMENTIER, Director of Communications, iaelyon - Ph : +33(0)4 78 78 71 49
iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin
Manufacture des Tabacs
Auditorium Malraux
16 rue du Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8e
(Subway : Sans Souci / Tramway: T4 Manufacture)