• Recherche,
  • International,

Laboratoire LIRIS équipe SOC : Séminaire du professeur Elhadj Benkhelifa, Staffordshire University (UK)

Evènement | 25 novembre 2021

Sur le theme : “Towards a Context Aware Cloud based Collaborative Software Development Lifecycle.” Professeur invité à l’iaelyon par Chirine Ghedira Guegan.

Organizations who have transitioned their software development environments to the Cloud have started realizing benefits such as: cost reduction in hardware; relatively accelerated development process via reduction of time and effort to set up development and testing environments; unified management; service and functionality expansion; on-demand provisioning and access to resources and development environments. These benefits represent only a fraction of the full potential that could be achieved via leveraging Cloud Computing for the collaborative software development process. Related efforts in this area have been mainly in the areas of: asynchronous collaboration; collaboration in isolated aspects of the Software Development process, such as coding activities; use of open-source tools for contributing, improving, and managing code, etcetera. Although these efforts represent valid contributions and important enablers, they are still missing important aspects which enable a more holistic process, with solid theoretical foundation. This Talk will review this research area, in order to better assess factors and gaps creating the need to enhance the collaborative software development process in the Cloud and propose a holistic approach for cloud-based Context aware collaborative software development lifecycle.

Contact : Chirine Ghedira Guegan, Professeur des Universités, iaelyon School of Management

A propos du Laboratoire LIRIS


iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin
Manufacture des Tabacs
Salle des conseils iaelyon
16 rue du Professeur Rollet, Lyon 8e
(Métro : Sans Souci / Tram : T4 Manufacture)
Plan d'accès

Colloque / Séminaire


Recherche, International