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Liquid Consumption: Conceptualizing Consumption in Late Modernity - Par Fleura Bardhi, Cass Business School
Evènement | 13 mai 2016
de 12h à 14h
Fleura Bardhi, professeur invitée à l’iaelyon, est professeur de marketing à la Cass Business School, City University London, UK. Séminaire organisé par le Groupe de recherche en Marketing de l’iaelyon.
- introduce the concept of liquid consumption, a style of consumption characterized by a lack of singularization, ephemerality, the dominance of use-value, and dematerialization. This concept helps unpack contemporary consumption phenomena emerging in the current context of liquid modernity, where social structures, and resulting consumer identities, are liquidifying. Liquid consumption is in contrast to a solid perspective of consumption, constituted in the former industrial modern society, when many of our seminal consumer behaviour constructs were developed.
- outline the implications of liquid consumption for four major consumer research domains: consumer attachment, consumer and brand relationships, social distinction, and consumer ethics. We observe a shift in what is valued under conditions of liquidity: flexibility, lightness and access. An agenda for future research focusing on these new sources of value is outlined.
> Le CV de Fleura Bardhi
iaelyon School of Management
Centre de Recherche Magellan
Université Jean Moulin
Manufacture des Tabacs
6 rue du Professeur Rollet
69008 LYON
Centre de Recherche Magellan
Université Jean Moulin
Manufacture des Tabacs
6 rue du Professeur Rollet
69008 LYON
ThématiqueRecherche, International
Recherche en marketing
Le groupe de recherche en marketing de l'iaelyon regroupe 20 chercheurs. Il est centré autour de 3 thématiques majeures : gestion de la relation client ; comportement du consommateur ; stratégie marketing, marque & communication.
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