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Trade Wars, is Trump leading towards Protectionism? Conférence iaelyon en partenariat avec le Consulat des Etats-Unis
Intervention de Michael Lind, co-fondateur du think tank New America, en présence de Christopher Crawford, consul des Etats-Unis à Lyon et de Christian Varinard, Directeur Général de l’iaelyon.
The rise of China has forced American policy makers to rethink US trade strategy. Obama’s multilateralism and Trump’s unilateralism represent two alternate options for a new American global strategy that treats China as both a military and economic rival, with important implications for European-American relations.
Michael Lind, co-founder of New America
Most recently, he was policy director of the Economic Growth program, which he founded along with Sherle Schwenninger. A graduate of the University of Texas and Yale, Lind has taught at Harvard and Johns Hopkins and has been an editor or staff writer for The New Yorker, Harper’s, The New Republic and The National Interest.
Lind is a columnist for Salon and writes frequently for The New York Times and The Financial Times. He is the author of numerous books of history, political journalism, fiction, poetry, and children’s literature. His most recent book is Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States (2012).
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Université Jean Moulin
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
6 rue du Professeur Rollet 69008 LYON
(M° Sans Souci - Tramway T4 Manufacture des Tabacs)
Catherine PARMENTIER, Directrice de la Communication - Tél : 04 78 78 71 49
Conférence, Rencontre - débat
ThématiquePartenariats, Vie de l'établissement, International
iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
6 rue du Professeur Rollet 69008 LYON
(M° Sans Souci - Tramway T4 Manufacture des Tabacs)
International MBA
Part-time training compatible with a professional activity.
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