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Ulrike Mayrhofer appointed to the EIBA Board - European International Business Academy
Evènement | December 13, 2016
The appointment of Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Full Professor at iaelyon, to the EIBA Board took place during the 42nd EIBA Conference from December 2nd to December 5th 2016 at the WU in Vienna (Wirtschaftuniversität - Vienna University of Economics and Business). Ulrike MAYRHOFER will be the representative for France for Faculty in International Management who elected her to endorse this role.
The EIBA Association organizes an annual Conference in which approximately 400 papers on themes related to internationalization strategies, organization of multinational companies, international entrepreneurship and intercultural management are presented. Round tables are also organized along with doctoral tutorials, publication workshops and methodological seminars.
The EIBA supports the production and dissemination of Research works in international management in particular through its partnership with the review “International Business Review” (ranked 2nd by the French Foundation for Management Education, “FNEGE”within the framework of the collected works “Progress in International Business Research” at Emerald).
The next EIBA Conference will take place at Politecnico di Milano, from December 14th to 16th, 2017 on the subject “International Business in the Information Age”.
About Ulrike MAYRHOFER
Ulrike MAYRHOFER is a Full Professor in Management at iaelyon - University Jean Moulin. She is Vice-Dean Corporate Relations, Academic Director of the International MBA and Head of the International Management Team at the Magellan Research Center. She also chairs the Atlas AFMI network – “Association Francophone de Management International” (French Organization in International Management). As a specialist in internationalization strategies, she has published 10 books and several articles in scientific and professional reviews
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