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Schools of Management: the economic impact on the Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Region reaches 2 billion euros.
Evènement | January 18, 2017
1,9 billion: corresponds to the annual economic impact on the Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Region of the 8 Schools of Management -including iaelyon School of Management- created by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry or part of the Universities (IAEs : French University Schools of Management), which educate a total of 32 000 students in pre-experienced, field-based and Executive Education. The impact was measured by the French Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE) in a report to be publicly released in 2017.

The impact study from the FNEGE aims at assessing the nature and the scope of the impact of the 8 Schools of Management in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alps region on their local environment.
Amongst the key indicators of the study (obtained with the methodology of the Business School Impact System BSIS - created by the FNEGE (1), and used by the EFMD at the international level):
- 1,9 billion euros : total annual economic impact
- 2,850 full time jobs at the service of the development of regional businesses, in the form of internships, field-based positions, short missions and gap years.
- Approximately 700 teacher-researchers, constituting a pool of expertise at the service of local businesses
This work shows that the 8 Schools of Management are both a potential force of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alps region but also a main contributor of its economic development.
It also underlines a unique approach in France: the joint will of Higher Education and Research Management institutions created by the consular and University worlds to take part in a process of collective promotion.
Beyond the figures and in a near future, all partners aspire to support together the great Auvergne-Rhône-Alps region in the development of its Higher Education, Research and Innovation policies. They also wish to help the region set up new models that will create value and jobs for its socio-economic actors.
Jérôme RIVE, Dean iaelyon School of Management explains: “The consolidated data at the greater region level show how both consular and University Schools of Management are able to overstep their differences in terms of strategy, status and positioning in order to confirm together how important it is for Schools of Management to be at the service of the development, and innovation of the local territories and to position themselves not only as major academic agents but also as leading economic actors.
At the institutional level, this enhances the missions and accomplishments of iaelyon as a public and University School of Management, supporting the development of its different stakeholders whether Research and Education activities or scientific promotion are concerned. The approach not only underlines the importance of territorial impacts of Schools of Management on local territories it also highlights, in view of the volume of its impacts and as we do at iaelyon, the importance of promoting the vision of a responsible and sensitive management”.
(1) iaelyon took part in the pilot phase of the BSIS approach in 2012. The FNEGE estimated than the annual financial impact of iaelyon on the Rhône-Alps territory reached 250 million Euros per year. The different indicators both qualitative and quantitative are currently being reviewed considering the evolution of the regional perimeter and the growth of the School activities and will be available in 2017.